Science / Astrology / Astrology: The science of relationships as measured by correlations between the movements of celestial bodies and circumstances and events on earth. The art of interpreting the meanings of these relationships. Astrology is a 'soft science' which deals with subjective states of mind as well as with objective facts. Some branches of astrology are : electional, esoteric, genethliacal, horary, medical, meteorological, and mundane.
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Science / Astrology / Medical Astrology: The branch of astrology devoted to the study of the human body, disease and health according to astrological symbolism portrayed in a horoscope. MORE
Science / Astrology / Exoteric Astrology: Any branch of astrology that studies observable events and characteristics such as natal astrology, mundane astrology, etc., as distinguished from esoteric astrology, which studies the unknown or occu MORE
Science / Astrology / Mundane Astrology: That branch of astrology that deals with world events and universal trends rather than the individual. MORE