Science / Astrology / Aspect: The angular relationship between two planets or a planet and angle or sensitive point. Zodiacal aspects are based upon zodiacal longitude; parallels and contraparallels are based on declination, the position of points of interest relative to the celestial equator. Zodiacal aspects are also called harmonics.
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Aspect Noun Synonyms: viewpoint, point of view, position, standpoint, side
Science / Astrology / Departing Aspect: An aspect in which the direction from significator to promittor is backward in the zodiac (clockwise in a horoscope). A departing aspect is given a subjective and, esoterically, a fatalistic connotati MORE
Science / Astrology / Zodiacal Aspects: Aspects based upon planets' zodiacal longitude as distinguished from parallels and contaparallels, which depend upon declination. MORE
Science / Astrology / Separating Aspect: One in which the significator (faster moving planet of the two in aspect) is moving away from partile (the degree at which the aspect is exact). MORE