Angular Houses

Science / Astrology / Angular Houses: The first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses. In a quadrant system (unequal house), the angles form the cusps of these houses. The experiential focus of these house is initiatory and dynamic. They are also referred to as cardinal house because they are ruled naturally by cardinal signs and express cardinal qualities.
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Cadent Houses

Science / Astrology / Cadent Houses: From the Latin cadere, to fall; houses three, six, nine and twelve fall behind angular houses. Ruled naturally by mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, respectively), they are also cal MORE

Succedent Houses

Science / Astrology / Succedent Houses: From the Latin succedere, to follow; houses two, five, eight and eleven, which follow the angular houses. Also called the fixed houses, being ruled naturally by the fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio a MORE

Rectangular Drainage

Science / Geology / Rectangular Drainage: A drainage pattern in which stream channels develop within a large-scale network of intersecting joints. This drainage pattern is characterized by right-angle bends in the channels of streams and stre MORE