
Life Style / Wine Grapes / Seneca: Reported to be the result of a Lignan Blanc x Ontario cross. Very early ripening, (late August), french-american hybrid white-wine grape, also suitable as a seeded tablegrape, recommended for use in New Mexico and other cool-climate areas. Moderately winter hardy and is susceptible to Powdery Mildew. Widely planted in the North-East regions of the USA.
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Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Cimarron: Has synonym name Oklahoma 23 S 52. Reported as derived from a selected V.cinerea canescens x Seneca cross. The V.cinerea variety is considered indigenous to the the banks of the Cimarron River of Okla MORE

Dunstan 2

Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Dunstan 2: Variety derived from a Chasselas Rose Violet x Seneca cross. No other details as yet other than it is thought by some to be a cultivar created by the Vineland Research Institute of Ontario, Canada. MORE


Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Traminette: Reportedly a.k.a NY 65.533.13. Newly, (1996), released variety derived from a Traminer Rot x Joannes Seyve 23416 cross by Cornell Univ. viticulturists. Quite cold-hardy, bears large clusters and is su MORE