
Life Style / Wine Grapes / Reichensteiner: White-wine grape mainly grown on small acreages in Germany, England and New Zealand. Derived from the M?ller-Thurgau cross and a couple of modern table-grape crosses. Used, among other things, to produce wine of mediocre complexity useful for blending etc.
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Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Gamaret: Vigorous red wine grape cultivar mainly grown in the Vaud/Valais districts of Switzerland. Reported to be a Gamay Noir ?  Jus Blanc x Reichensteiner vinifera cross variety released in 1970 by the Pul MORE


Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Garanoir: Variety derived from a Gamay Noir x Reichensteiner cross. Has synonym names Granoir and Pully B-28. Created in 1970, along with Gamaret, the two wines can be blended to make a red wine of character th MORE