Life Style / Wine Grapes / Pineau De La Loire: Alternate name for Chenin Blanc..
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Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Chenin Blanc: A widely grown white-wine producing variety, known as Steen in South Africa, Pineau de la Loire in the Loire region of France and under the alias name White Pinot (Pinot Blanco) elsewhere in the world MORE
Science / Geology / Oscillation Ripple Marks: Symmetrical ridges in sand or other sediment that are caused by a back-and-forth wave action. MORE
Science / Geology / Oscillation Ripple: A ripple with a symmetrical cross section and a sharp peak formed by waves. MORE
Lifestyle / Adoption / Orphan (international adoption definition): For immigration purposes, a child under the age of 16: ?€? whose parents have died or disappeared ?€? who has been abandoned or otherwise separated from both parents ?€? whose sole surviving par MORE
Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Orlando (Seedless): Is a mid-to-late September ripening hybrid bunchgrape with moderate resistance to Pierce's Disease. Propagated for use in Florida and the lower Gulf States of the U.S.A as a tablegrape. According to t MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Oscillator: A device which produces an alternating current or pulsating current or voltage at varying frequencies, electronically. MORE