
Life Style / Wine Grapes / Moll: Variety grown on the island of Mallorca, off the coast of Spain, and used to produce somewhat spicy white varietal still and sparkling wines. Has the synonym name Prensal Blanco.
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Science / Chemistry / Emollient: A substance added to a formulation that gives it softening ability. For example, oils that can soften skin are added as emollients in some skin creams. MORE

Picaresque Novel

Entertainment / Literature / Picaresque Novel: A humorous novel in which the plot consists of a young knave's misadventures and escapades narrated in comic or satiric scenes. This roguish protagonist--called a picaro--makes his (or sometimes her) MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Memoir-Novel: A novel purporting to be a factual or autobiographical account but which is completely or partially imaginary. The authorial voice or speaker is typically a made-up character who never actually lived. MORE

Manganese (Mn)

Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Manganese (Mn): Atomic number: 25, Atomic mass: 54.9380 g.mol -1, Electronegativity: 1.5, Density: 7.43 at 20?°C, Melting point: 1247 ?°C, Boiling point: 2061 ?°C, Vanderwaals radius: 0.126 nm, Ionic radius MORE

Stream Of Consciousness

Entertainment / Literature / Stream Of Consciousness: Writing in which a character's perceptions, thoughts, and memories are presented in an apparently random form, without regard for logical sequence, chronology, or syntax. Often such writing makes no d MORE

National Shellfish Sanitation Program (NSSP)

Business / Agriculture / National Shellfish Sanitation Program (NSSP): A program under which the federal Food and Drug Administration works cooperatively with the states, the Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference, and industry to assure the safety of molluscan shell MORE