Kadarka Blanc

Life Style / Wine Grapes / Kadarka Blanc: Now reported (2002) by DNA analysis to be identical to the Martinsriesling (possible misspelling of Marienriesling ?) variety. It is currently unclear as to whether the variety has the synonym name Kadarka Szuerke, but it is definitely not directly related to the Kadarka Blau (below). No other details as yet.
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Picardan (Blanc)

Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Picardan (Blanc): Listed as a synonym name, by the international grape variety database (above) at Geilweilerhof, Germany, for the Bourboulenc white wine producing variety grown in the southern Rhone and Provence regio MORE

Muscat Blanc À Petit Grains

Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Muscat Blanc À Petit Grains: (See Muscat above). MORE

Pinot Blanc

Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Pinot Blanc: Was thought to be a mutation of the Pinot Gris vine. However, recent DNA analysis shows identical genetic makeup to the Blau Burgunder variety of Austria, possibly having the parents Schwarzriesling ( MORE