Life Style / Wine Grapes / Humagne Blanc: Ancient variety, documented since 1313AD, grown in the Valais canton of Switzerland where it is used to make a white wine. Not related to the Humagne Rouge cultivar as far as is known.
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Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Picardan (Blanc): Listed as a synonym name, by the international grape variety database (above) at Geilweilerhof, Germany, for the Bourboulenc white wine producing variety grown in the southern Rhone and Provence regio MORE
Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Muscat Blanc À Petit Grains: (See Muscat above). MORE
Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Pinot Blanc: Was thought to be a mutation of the Pinot Gris vine. However, recent DNA analysis shows identical genetic makeup to the Blau Burgunder variety of Austria, possibly having the parents Schwarzriesling ( MORE
Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Piquepoul (Blanc): Synonym name for Folle Blanche variety where grown in the Languedoc region of France. Used for creating vinosity and freshness in the regional white wine blends. Also has the alias name Picpoul. In th MORE
Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Prunelard Blanc: Has synonym name Bouysselet. Almost extinct V.vinifera variety grown in the Tarn region of France. No other details as yet. MORE
Life Style / Wine Grapes / Muscat Blanc À Petit Grains: (See Muscat above). MORE