Life Style / Wine Grapes / Herbert: Derived from a Carter x Black Hamburg cross. Vigorous, productive and moderately winter hardy cultivar suitable for cool climates such as the Finger Lakes region of N.Y. State. Is one of the parents of the Buffalo grape found on decreasing acreages in British Columbia, Canada and elsewhere.
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Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Sheridan: American labruscana variety that produces big, compact clusters of large Concord-type berries that normally ripen in late September. Vigorous and productive, often requiring heavy pruning. Very hardy MORE
Science / Weather / Saffir-Simpson Damage-Potential Scale: Developed in the early 1970s by Herbert Saffir, a consulting engineer, and Robert Simpson, then Director of the National Hurricane Center, it is a measure of hurricane intensity on a scale of 1 to 5. MORE
Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Buffalo: Has synonym names NY 10830 and Early Steuben. Vigorous, productive, early ripening (around 2 weeks before Concord) variety derived from Herbert and Watkins varieties by NY's Geneva Research Station in MORE
Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Carter: Has several synonym names, including Mammoth Globe, and was obtained from an Isabella hybrid variety selected seedling. It is one of the parents, the other being Black Hamburg, of several hybrid culti MORE