Aubin Vert

Life Style / Wine Grapes / Aubin Vert: (No other details other than it has synonym name of Blanc d'Euvizin and is one of the 16 known possible offspring directly descended from one of the ancient Pinot cepage varieties x Gouais Blanc crossings).
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Technology / Television (TV) / Upconverting: Process by which a standard-definition picture is changed to a simulated high definition picture. MORE


Science / Biology / Vertebrae: The segments of the spinal column; separated by disks made of connective tissue (sing.: vertebra). MORE


Technology / Television (TV) / Upconvert: The term used to describe the conversion of a lower apparent resolution to a higher number, such as 'up-converting' 720p to 1080i. This is a misnomer, though, since to accomplish this, the horizontal MORE


Science / Geology / Travertine: Calcium carbonate deposits which form in caves and around hot springs where carbonate-bearing waters are exposed to the air. The water evaporates, leaving a small deposit of calcium carbonate. MORE

Synthetic Convertible

Business / Finance / Synthetic Convertible: A violation of value-additivity in that the value of a combination is greater than the sum of the individual values. MORE


Entertainment / Photography / Teleconverter: Optical system mounted between a camera body and the lens to increase the effective focal length of the lens. MORE