Prädikat (Germany, Austria)

Life Style / Wine / Prädikat (Germany, Austria): The Pr?dikat is a classification of wine depending on the must weight, which may be reported in a variety of units including KMW, Oechsle, Baum? and Brix. The classification includes three basic levels, Kabinett, Sp?tlese or Auslese. Additional categories include Beerenauslese, Trockenbeerenauslese and Eiswein. This is the only classification system dependent on sugar content, implying (although it is not necessarily true) that the more sugar a wine has the better it is - a belief no doubt related to Germany's northerly location where ripening of grapes has been difficult in the past. It does not form a guide to taste, as a wine with a higher must weight may be vinified dry and so will not necessarily taste sweeter. For more information see my German wine guide.
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Life Style / Wine / Prädikatswein: The highest class of wine in the German wine classification, formerly called Qualit?tswein mit Pr?dikat. These wines always display a specific Pr?dikat on their label. MORE

Prädikat (Germany, Austria)

Life Style / Wine / Prädikat (Germany, Austria): The Pr?dikat is a classification of wine depending on the must weight, which may be reported in a variety of units including KMW, Oechsle, Baum? and Brix. The classification includes three basic level MORE

Qualitätswein Mit Prädikat (Qmp)

Life Style / Wine / Qualitätswein Mit Prädikat (Qmp): A former designation of the best quality German wines, since 2007 shortened to Pr?dikatswein. MORE