Life Style / Time Shares / Special Assessment: In addition to a yearly maintenance fee, sometimes this additional charge is billed to timeshare owners from a management company. This charge is intended to cover expenses related to major repairs and refurbishment endeavors.
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Special Verb Synonyms: particular, specific, exceptional, uncommon, especial, rare, unusual, out of the ordinary, extraordinary, different, unorthodox, unconventional, unique, precise, individual, singular, distinctive, specialized, certain, remarkable, inimitable, idiosyncrati
Special Noun Synonyms: significant, important, momentous, earth-shaking, memorable, red-letter, gala, festive, celebratory
Special Adjective Synonyms: dear, intimate, particular, good, close, bosom, staunch, loyal, faithful, devoted, steadfast, dearest, best, closest, esteemed, valued
Science / Biology / Special Senses: Vision, hearing, taste, and smell. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Special Review: Formerly known as Rebuttable Presumption Against Registration (RPAR), this is a regulatory process through which existing pesticides suspected of posing unreasonable risks to human health, non-target MORE
Technology / Motors / Special Purpose Motor: Motor with special operating characteristics or special mechanical construction, or both, designed for a particular application and not falling within the definition of a general purpose or definite p MORE
Health / Disease / Special Populations: People who might be more sensitive or susceptible to exposure to hazardous substances because of factors such as age, occupation, sex, or behaviors (for example, cigarette smoking). Children, pregnant MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Special Services: An airline term that designates a passenger who has special requests, such as requiring assistance boarding or departing the aircraft, or special meal requirements. MORE
Business / Taxes / Special Situation: An undervalued stock that one or more analysts expects to increase in price in the very near future because of an anticipated ?€” and welcome ?€” change within the company is known as a specia MORE