Life Style / Time Shares / Leased Or Certificate Property: The right to use your timeshare for a specified number of years. Certain resorts may allow for accelerated usage, which means that you'll have a specified number of weeks that you may use, but you may use more than one week per year. Most timeshares in Mexico are of this type, since the Mexican government tries to prevent long-term foreign ownership in their vacation cities.
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Property Adverb Synonyms: possessions, belongings, effects, gear, paraphernalia, chattels
Property Noun Synonyms: characteristic, attribute, quality, feature, trait, mark, hallmark, idiosyncrasy, peculiarity, oddity, quirk, haecceity, quiddity
Business / Finance / Panic Buying Or Selling: Rapid trading of stocks or bonds in high volume in anticipation of sharply rising or falling prices, usually after unexpected news is released. MORE
Science / Biology / Palynomorph: Generic term for any object a palynologist studies. MORE
Science / Spiders / Palpal Organs: The more or less complex structures fs)und in the terminal part of the adult male palp. They comprise groups of sclerites separated from each other and the cymbium by up to three haematodochac and con MORE