Life Style / Time Shares / Lease: In localities where the deeded ownership of vacation properties is not permitted by law, it is standard practice for a resort developer or a management company to lease timeshare properties. Also known as a right-to-use agreement, the lease is usually good for a period from twenty to ninety-nine years. Timeshare properties in Mexico and Hawaii are very likely to be leasehold properties.
Search Google for Lease:
Lease Noun Synonyms: rental agreement or contract, sublease, sublet
Business / Finance / Leasehold: An asset providing the right to use property under a lease agreement. MORE
Business / Finance / Leaseback: A transaction that involves the sale of some property, and an agreement by the seller to lease the property back from the buyer after the sale. MORE
Business / Finance / Lease Rate: The payment per period stated in a lease contract. MORE