Life Style / Painting / Varnish: Transparent liquid that dries on exposure to air to give a decorative and protective and protective coating when applied as a thin film.
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Entertainment / Photography / Mastic Varnish: Is varnish used for negatives. MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Varnish Stain: Varnishes colored with a dye and without the same power of penetrations as the true stains, leaving a colored coating on the surface. MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Varnishes: Protective coatings for oil-paintings, tempera, acrylic, alkyd, gouache and water-colour. Varnishes may be made from natural or synthetic resins, with additions of natural or synthetic waxes to lower MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Marine Varnish: Varnish specially designed for immersion in water and exposure to marine atmosphere. MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Spar Varnish: A very durable varnish designed for service on exterior surfaces. MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Polyurethane Varnish: A clear, alkyd coating. MORE