Mineral Spirits

Life Style / Painting / Mineral Spirits: An effective paint thinner, especially when using oil based paints.
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Other Words for Spirits

Spirits Noun Synonyms: temper, mood, sentiments, feelings, cheer, humour, frame of mind, morale


Science / Geology / Mineralogy: The study of minerals - their composition, structure, formation, uses, properties, occurrence and geographic distribution. MORE


Science / Biology / Mineralocorticoids: A group of steroid hormones produced by the adrenal cortex that are important in maintaining electrolyte balance. MORE


Science / Biology / Minerals: Trace elements required for normal metabolism, as components of cells and tissues, and in nerve conduction and muscle contraction. MORE

Opaque Mineral

Science / Geology / Opaque Mineral: A mineral which transmits no light through a thin section under a microscope. Usually a native metal, sulfide, or metallic oxide mineral. MORE

Ore Mineral

Science / Geology / Ore Mineral: A mineral that contains a high enough concentration of a useful element or compound that the element or compound can be extracted at a profit. MORE

Grain-Neutral Spirits

Entertainment / Liquor / Grain-Neutral Spirits: Otherwise known as grain alcohol, alcohol distilled from grain at 190 proof. Colorless and tasteless, it is used in making blended whiskeys and, as well as gin, gin, vodka, homemade liqueurs and other MORE