Life Style / Painting / Inhibitor: Material such as primer used to retard rusting or corrosion.
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Business / Agriculture / Cholinesterase Inhibitors: A class of chemicals that includes numerous insecticides, such as parathion or carbaryl. They inhibit an enzyme found in animals that regulates nerve impulses. Cholinesterase inhibition is associated MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Corrosion Inhibitor: Any material applied in order to prevent the rusting of metals. MORE
Health / Vitamins / Vitamin C: Water-soluble vitamin with antioxidant and preservative properties, stimulates immune function, helps the body heal and repair damaged tissues, essential compound in thhe formation of collagen, protec MORE
Lifestyle / Tea / Camellia Sinensis: Botanical name given to the tea bush. MORE
Health / Vitamins / Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA): Amino acid classified as an important inhibitory neurotransmitter, stimulating relaxation and sleep, ensures balance between excitation and inhibition, stimulates the Human Growth Hormone, anti-aging MORE