Life Style / Holiday / Lent: The seven weeks prior to Easter. The period of 40 days (not counting Sundays) from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday, The word Lent is from the Old English word for spring and refers to the lengthening of the days. Lent used to be the period of fasting and great sacrifice for all Christians.
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Entertainment / Photography / Lenticular Screen: Lens system consisting of a screen containing a number of small lenses.there are two applications of lenticular systems. They are used in some exposure meters to gather light and to determine the angl MORE
Entertainment / Liquor / Xellent Vodka: Xellent, is a pure, slightly sweet-tasting 40% vol. spirit, consisting of nothing but vodka and water. It is a genuinely unique Swiss quality product with a note of exclusivity. MORE
Business / Taxes / Cash Equivalent: Short-term, low-risk investments, such as US Treasury bills or short-term certificates of deposit (CDs), are considered cash equivalents. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) defines cash e MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Equivalent Focal Length: Distance in a lens between the front nodal point and the focal plane when the lens is set to focus a subject at infinity. In a telephoto lens the equivalent focal length is shorter than the back focus MORE
Technology / Digital Cameras / 35mm Equivalent: Focal length is a measure of the distance (in millimeters) from the optical center of a camera's lens to its focal point, which is located on the image sensor. Because digital cameras' focal lengths a MORE
Business / Agriculture / Milk Equivalent: A measure of the quantity of fluid milk used in a processed dairy product, usually expressed on a milkfat basis. For example, one pound of cheese is the equivalent of 9.88 pounds of milk. MORE