Life Style / Holiday / Federal Holiday: A holiday recognized by the Government. Federal employees are given the day off and are paid for it. Typically, banks and stock exchange employees are given these days off as well. Congree is responsible for designating a holiday as a federal holiday. Several rules surround federal holidays - (1) when a holiday falls on a Saturday it will be celebrated the Friday before (2) when a holiday falls on a Sunday it is celebrated the following Monday.
Search Google for Federal Holiday:
Holiday Verb Synonyms: festival, feast, celebration, fête or fete, gala, fair, red-letter day, event
Holiday Noun Synonyms: time off, break, recess, respite, leave (of absence), furlough, sabbatical, vacation
Business / Agriculture / Federal Plant Pest Act: P.L. 85-36 (May 23, 1957) prohibits the movement of plant pests from a foreign country into or through the United States unless authorized by USDA. The law gives USDA?€™s Animal and Plant Health I MORE
Business / Finance / Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC): A publicly owned, government-sponsored corporation chartered in 1938 to purchase mortgages from lenders and resell them to investors. Known by the nickname Fannie Mae, it packages mortgages backed by MORE
Lifestyle / Holiday / Federal Observances: A day recognized be the Federal Government as a day in need of recognition. Federal employees are not given the day off from work. MORE