
Health / Massage / Watsu: Watsu, or aquatic shiatsu, began at Harbin Hot Springs where Harold Dull brought his knowledge of Zen shiatsu into a warm pool. Zen shiatsu incorporates stretches that release blockages along the meridians--the channels through which chi or life force flows. Dull found the effects of Zen shiatsu could be amplified and made more profound by stretching someone while having them float in warm water. By supporting, rocking, and moving the whole body while stretching a leg or arm, Watsu lessens the resistance there is when a limb is worked in isolation. When the whole body is in continual movement, each move flowing gracefully into the next, there is no way to resistantly anticipate what?€™s coming next. Warm water and the continuous support it provides are ideal for freeing the spine.
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Tantsu Tantric Shiatsu

Health / Massage / Tantsu Tantric Shiatsu: Tantsu Tantric Shiatsu was invented by Harold Dull, who also created Watsu, or water shiatsu. Tantsu brings Watsu?€™s in-water nurturing and power back onto land. In a Tantsu session, the giver cr MORE

Ai Chi (Flowing Aquatic Energy)

Health / Massage / Ai Chi (Flowing Aquatic Energy): Ai chi is a water exercise and relaxation program, created by Jun Konno, to help aquatic practitioners and students enjoy the water in a flowing, yet powerful progression. Ai chi, created by combining MORE