Health / Massage / Tumor: An abnormal mass of tissue. Tumors are a classic sign of inflammation, and can be benign or malignant (cancerous). There are dozens of different types of tumors. Their names usually reflect the kind of tissue they arise in, and may also tell you something about their shape or how they grow. For example, a medulloblastoma is a tumor that arises from embryonic cells (a blastoma) in the inner part of the brain (the medulla). Diagnosis depends on the type and location of the tumor. Tumor marker tests and imaging may be used; some tumors can be seen (for example, tumors on the exterior of the skin) or felt (palpated with the hands).
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Tumor Verb Synonyms: neoplasm, cancer, melanoma, sarcoma, malignancy, carcinoma, growth, lump, swelling, protuberance, excrescence
Science / Genetics / Tumor Suppressor Gene: Genes that normally function to restrain the growth of tumors: the best understood case is for hereditary retinoblastoma. MORE
Science / Biology / Tumor Suppressor Genes: Genes that normally keep cell division under control, preventing the cell from responding to internal and external commands to divide. MORE
Health / Herbs / Pau DArco (Tabebuia impetiginosa): Retards the development of tumors, helps heal candida in adults thrush (candida in the infants mouth), helps heal viruses, anti-fungal, assists in eliminating parasites. Dr. T. Meyer learned from the MORE