Entertainment / Ballet / Positions Of The Feet: The basic five positions of the feet on the floor were set down by the dancing master Pierre Beauchamp in the late 17th century. Two more positions were introduced by Mr. Serge Lifar during his career MORE
Business / Construction / CFM (Cubic Feet Per Minute): A rating that expresses the amount of air a blower or fan can move. The volume of air (measured in cubic feet) that can pass through an opening in one minute. MORE
Health / Yoga / Hands to Feet Pose (Pada Hastasana): A standing pose. Stand straight with your feet together. Stretch your arms above your head. Bend forward until your face touches your legs and your hands can touch your toes. MORE
Science / Geology / Cubic Feet Per Second: A unit of measure frequently used to quantify the rate of flow of a stream. It is equal to a volume of water one foot high and one foot wide moving a linear distance of one foot in one second. MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Spreading Rate: The area to which paint can be spread; usually expressed as square feet per gallon. MORE