Health / First Aid / Dura Mater: Dura mater is latin for tough mother and refers to mom's protective duty.
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Business / Finance / Mortgage Duration: A modification of standard duration to account for the impact on duration of MBS of changes in prepayment speed resulting from changes in interest rates. MORE
Business / Finance / Negative Duration: Occurs when the price of an MBS moves in the same direction as interest rates. MORE
Health / First Aid / Pia Mater: Pia mater is latin for little mother and refers to mom's protective duty. MORE
Technology / Radar / Radar Absorbent Material (RAM): Radar absorbent material has electrical properties similar to free space. When radar impacts radar absorbent material, the energy acts as though it ?€?sees?€™ infinite free space instead of a bo MORE
Business / Finance / Modified Duration: The ratio of Macaulay duration to (1 + y), where y = the bond yield. Modified duration is inversely related to the approximate percentage change in price for a given change in yield. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Maximum Benefit Period (Benefit Duration): This is the maximum length of time for which benefits are payable under the plan as long as the employee remains continuously disabled. MORE