Health / Acupuncture / Viral: Of or pertaining to a virus. For example, 'My daughter has a viral rash .'
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Science / Genetics / Retroviral Infection: The presence of retroviral vectors, such as some viruses, which use their recombinant dna to insert their genetic material into the chromosomes of the host's cells. The virus is then propogated by the MORE
Health / Disease / Antiviral: A chemical substance that kills or suppresses the growth of viruses. Antivirals are designed to be taken to cure or control disease. MORE
Health / Disease / Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART): A treatment to combat AIDS using several different antiretroviral drugs at the same time. MORE
Health / Acupuncture / Viral Hepatitis: Viral hepatitis is liver inflammation caused by viruses. Specific hepatitis viruses have been labeled A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. While other viruses can also cause hepatitis, their primary target is not MORE
Health / Disease / Viral Swarm: (aka mutant swarm) A group of viruses of the same species but with slightly different genetic sequences MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Viral Marketing: Any advertising that propagates itself. When Hotmail users send email, they unwittingly infect the recipient with the tag line at the bottom of the message. MORE