Entertainment / Video Games / Game screens: Still images of the game, seen online or in magazines.
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Game Adjective Synonyms: gamble
Game Noun Synonyms: amusement, pastime, diversion, distraction, recreation, play, sport
Entertainment / Golf / Long Game: The part of golf played with full, or substantial, swings where the ball is intended to cover relatively longer distances (usually thought of in terms of woods, long irons and middle irons) MORE
Science / Biology / Ligaments: Dense parallel bundles of connective tissue that strengthen joints and hold the bones in place. MORE
Health / First Aid / Ligament: A tough cord of tissue that connects bone to bone or cartilage to bone. MORE
Science / Biology / Microgametophyte: Stage of the plant life cycle that develops from or within a microspore. The microgametophyte produces sperm in specialized structures known as antheridia. MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / Pack-in Game: A game that comes packaged with a system. For example, the NES pack-in was Super Mario Bros, and the Genesis pack-in was Sonic the Hedgehog. MORE