Entertainment / Video Games / Game Mechanic: Play pattern. For example, a crossword puzzle entails a different player activity than does a card game.
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Game Adjective Synonyms: gamble
Game Noun Synonyms: amusement, pastime, diversion, distraction, recreation, play, sport
Health / Massage / Mechanical Link: Mechanical link is a system of evaluation that allows practitioners to locate and release primary restrictions within the fascial system. These gentle techniques help reduce structural tensions and en MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Long Game: The part of golf played with full, or substantial, swings where the ball is intended to cover relatively longer distances (usually thought of in terms of woods, long irons and middle irons) MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Mechanical Turk: Amazon.com program which allows you to hire humans to perform easy tasks that computers are bad at. MORE
Science / Geology / Mechanical Weathering: A general term applied to a variety of weathering processes that result in the particle size reduction of rock materials with no change in composition. Frost action, salt crystal growth and pressure r MORE
Science / Biology / Microgametophyte: Stage of the plant life cycle that develops from or within a microspore. The microgametophyte produces sperm in specialized structures known as antheridia. MORE