
Entertainment / Video Games / Frag: A term associated with shooting something in a first-person shooters, usually a human-controlled opponent.
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Lifestyle / Coffee / Fragrance: The sensation of the gases released from ground coffee as they are inhaled through the nose. Ranges from sweetly floral to sweetly spicy. MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Fragment: An incomplete piece of literature--one the author never finished entirely--such as Coleridge's 'Kubla Khan'--or one in which part of the manuscript has been lost due to damage or neglect--such as the MORE


Entertainment / Video Games / Fragging: Killing another character in a first-person shooter game. Derived from U.S. military slang. Gamers gain points for fragging opponents but may lose points for fragging teammates or themselves (by, say, MORE

Fragmentation (Audience)

Technology / Television (TV) / Fragmentation (Audience): The increasing number of audience subdivisions which, together, constitute total TV usage. Television audiences are said to be fragmented, for example, across a broad spectrum of video sources: multip MORE

Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP)

Science / Biology / Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP): A heritable difference in DNA fragment length and fragment number; passed from generation to generation in a codominant way. MORE


Science / Psychiatry / Fragmentation: Separation into different parts, or preventing their integration, or detaching one or more parts from the rest. A fear of fragmentation of the personality, also known as disintegration anxiety, is oft MORE