Entertainment / Video Games / Demo Reel: A videotape, cassette tape, or CD created with the intention of showing off the services or talents of a creative individual or company.
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Reel Verb Synonyms: stagger, totter, waver, stumble, lurch, falter, roll, rock, sway, flounder, pitch
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Demotion: A permanent reassignment to a position with a lower pay grade, skill requirement or level of responsibility than the employee?€™s current position. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Industrial Democracy: The involvement and empowerment of employees in decision-making within the organization by such methods as joint labor-management committees, work teams, quality circles, employee task forces, etc. MORE
Entertainment / Music / Reel: Moderately quick dance in duple meter danced throughout the British Isles: the most popular Irish traditional dance type. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Demographics: The physical characteristics of a population, such as age, sex, marital status, family size, education, geographic location and occupation. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Demographic: Referring to numerical characteristics of a population (e.g., population size, age structure) MORE