Entertainment / Video Games / Casual: The term 'casual game' is used to describe a category of video game designed for a mass audience. They are typically quite simple games without complex plots or control schemes. This has in turn spawned the term 'casual player' which is a description of gamer that is less experienced, or lacking in skill. Many recent games have started renaming their 'easy' modes as 'casual' modes.
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Casual Adjective Synonyms: accidental, chance, random, fortuitous, unexpected, unforeseen, unpremeditated, unplanned, unforeseeable, unpredictable, serendipitous
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Casual Dress: Refers to attire such as jeans, casual slacks, t-shirts, sport and polo shirts and other apparel used for leisure. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Casualty: Casualty insurance policies include coverage against theft, burglary, vandalism and machinery damage as well as health and accident insurance. Casualty policies are usually written on specific risks, MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / Casual Gamer: Someone who may or may not be into hardcore video games but who may well be interested in playing games that are intuitive, easy to learn, don't require a huge investment of time -- or traditional boa MORE