Entertainment / Video Games / Box and Docs: The package and instruction manual for a game that's to be sold in stores. Involves quite a bit of effort on the part of the Marketing department to create, with an extensive approval cycle for the producer and Q.A.
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Box Noun Synonyms: case, receptacle, crate, carton, container, casket, coffer, caddy, chest
Box Verb Synonyms: crate, encase, package
Business / Finance / Precautionary Demand (For Money): The need to meet unexpected or extraordinary contingencies with a buffer stock of cash. MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Preand Post Tours: Optional extension or side-trip package before or after a meeting, gathering or convention. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Price Elasticity Of Demand: The relationship between the change in the price of a commodity and the corresponding change in the quantity that is sold. If a small change in the price is accompanied by a relatively large change in MORE
Science / Chemistry / Primary Standard: A stable, high-purity material used in titrations and other chemical analyses to prepare solutions of precisely known concentration, or to determine the concentrations of substances which react with t MORE
Business / Agriculture / Prior Converted Wetland: Under the swampbuster program, these are wetlands that were converted to cropland before swampbuster was enacted on December 23, 1985, and meet wetland criteria for saturated soils or water-loving pla MORE
Business / Agriculture / Prime Farmland: Land that is best suited to and available for the production of food, feed, forage, fiber, and oilseed crops. It can be cropland, pastureland, rangeland, forestland, or other land. It has the soil qua MORE