Entertainment / Video Games / Beta Test: Not to be confused with Q.A. Beta testing is usually done to get user feedback to aid in the final tweaking process, to take a nearly-complete ('Beta') game and tune it and make it into the best possible playing experience. Contrary to testing in a Q.A. lab, beta testing is unpaid work that can be done at home. Beta testing being unpaid, it does not count as work experience on a r?©sum?©. One cannot seek out beta testing opportunities (the company in need of beta testers usually seeks volunteers from among known game players, often in the online gaming community).
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Test Noun Synonyms: trial, examination, exam, proof, evaluation, assay, check, check-up, investigation, study, analysis
Entertainment / Video Games / Tester: An individual who analyzes and reports findings on the playability of a game. Testing is a paid job which requires the tester to report to the company's office every day (testing cannot be done from h MORE
Lifestyle / College / Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test (PSAT): A practice test for the SAT. This is usually taken in grade 10 or 11 and it gives students an idea of how they will perform on the SAT. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Preadmission Testing: Medical tests that are completed for an individual prior to being admitted to a hospital or inpatient health care facility. MORE