Entertainment / Photography / Neutral Density Filter: Describes a gray camera filter which has an equal opacity to all the colors of the spectrum and so does not affect the colors in the final image. It is used to reduce the amount of light entering the camera when aperture or shutter settings must remain constant.
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Filter Noun Synonyms: leach, percolate, drip, seep, dribble, trickle, drain, run or pass through, ooze
Filter Adjective Synonyms: sieve, colander, riddle, screen, strainer, gauze, cloth, cheesecloth, membrane
Neutral Adjective Synonyms: non-belligerent, non-combatant, unaligned, non-aligned, unaffiliated, uninvolved, unallied, non-allied, non-partisan, impartial, disinterested, indifferent, dispassionate, unbiased, uncommitted, noncommittal, aloof, withdrawn, detached, remote, removed
Neutral Verb Synonyms: dull, drab, colourless, achromatic, toneless, indeterminate, washed out, pale, indefinite, indistinct, indistinguishable, indeterminate, vague, drab, beige, ecru
Business / Finance / Neutral Hedge: Hedge that is expected to yield a dollar-neutral result of the combined position, regardless of price change in any part of the hedge securities. For any convertible trading at a premium, this ratio i MORE
Health / Fitness / Neutral Grip: A grip on a bar when the palm of each hand face each other. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Neutral Filtration: In color printing is the filtration at which color balance is achieved, rendering a neutral gray ion the film image as a neutral gray on the photographic paper. MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Neutral Light: Most modern motorcycles have a green neutral light that lights when the motorcycle transmission is in neutral. Finding neutral on a bike can be difficult at times. Just watch the light on your instrum MORE
Business / Finance / Neutral Period: In the Euromarket, a period over which Eurodollars are sold is said to be neutral if it does not start or end on either a Friday or the day before a holiday. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Neutral Zone: The region that contains the ball as it sits on the ground before each play; the area between the two lines of scrimmage. MORE