Entertainment / Music / Verse: In poetry, a group of lines constituting a unit. In liturgical music for the Catholic Church, a phrase from the Scriptures that alternates with the response.
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Technology / Email / Reverse DNS: The process in which an IP address is matched correctly to a domain name, instead of a domain name being matched to an IP address. Reverse DNS is a popular method for catching spammers who use invalid MORE
Health / Disease / No-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level (NOAEL): The highest tested dose of a substance that has been reported to have no harmful (adverse) health effects on people or animals. MORE
Business / Finance / Reverse Stock Split: A proportionate decrease in the number of shares, but not the total value of shares of stock held by shareholders. Shareholders maintain the same percentage of equity as before the split. For example, MORE
Business / Finance / Reverse Conversion: A technique in which brokerage firms earn interest on the stocks they hold for their customers by selling the short and investing the proceeds in money market accounts. The short positions are hedged MORE
Technology / Radar / Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR): Inverse sar (isar) is a variation on the sar theme that uses the motion of the target relative to the radar to the same effect. MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Inverse Document Frequency (IDF): Inverse Document Frequency is a term used to help determine the position of a term in a vector space model. IDF = log ( total documents in database / documents containing the term ) MORE