Entertainment / Music / Trio Sonata: Baroque chamber sonata type written in three parts: two melody lines and the basso continuo: requires a total of four players to perform.
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Trio Verb Synonyms: threesome, trilogy, triad, triplex, triple, troika, triptych, triumvirate, triplet, trine, triune, trinity, three
Entertainment / Music / Trio: A composition written for three voices and instruments performed by three persons. MORE
Entertainment / Music / String Trio: Standard chamber ensemble made up two violins and cello, or violin, viola and cello. MORE
Entertainment / Music / Sonata-Allegro Form: The opening movement of the sonata cycle, consisting of themes that are stated in the first section (exposition), developed in the second section (development), and restated in the third section (reca MORE
Entertainment / Music / Trio Sonata: Baroque chamber sonata type written in three parts: two melody lines and the basso continuo: requires a total of four players to perform. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Triolet: A stanza of eight lines using only two rhymes, with the first line repeating three times. Here is an example by Thomas Hardy: How great my grief, my joys how few, Since first it was my fate to know th MORE
Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Triomphe Dalsace: Variety derived from a MG 101-14 x Knipperle cross. Has synonym name Kuhlmann 319-1. Early ripening hybrid cultivar gaining popularity in the United Kingdom where it is used as a red wine producer cla MORE