Time Signature

Entertainment / Music / Time Signature: A numeric symbol in sheet music determining the number of beats to a measure.
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Other Words for Time

Time Noun Synonyms: period, interval, stretch, spell, patch

Triple Time

Entertainment / Music / Triple Time: Time signature with three beats to the measure. MORE

Signature Loan

Business / Finance / Signature Loan: The argument that dividend changes are important signals to investors about changes in management's expectation about future earnings. MORE

Solar Time

Science / Tides and Currents / Solar Time: Time measured by the hour angle of the Sun. It is called apparent time when referred to the actual Sun and mean time when referred to the mean Sun. It is also classified as local, standard, or Greenwi MORE

Stability-Time Hypothesis

Science / Marine Biology / Stability-Time Hypothesis: Hypothesis that states that higher diversity occurs in habitats that are ancient and stable environmentally MORE

Signature Hole

Entertainment / Golf / Signature Hole: A hole that that uniquely identifies a course by its characteristics or style MORE


Technology / Email / Signature: A line or two of information found in the closing of an email, usually followed the sender's name. Signatures can include advertising information, such as a company name, product, brand message or mar MORE