Entertainment / Music / Soft Rock: Lyrical, gentle rock style that evolved around 1960 in response to hard-driving rock and roll.
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Rock Adjective Synonyms: crag, tor, escarpment, scarp, outcrop, outcropping
Rock Noun Synonyms: stone, boulder
Soft Adjective Synonyms: easygoing, tolerant, kind, compassionate, gentle, merciful, lenient, indulgent, permissive, liberal, lax, easy, docile, tame, submissive, deferential, benign, tender-hearted, sympathetic, kind-hearted, kind
Soft Noun Synonyms: yielding, cushiony, plushy, spongy, squeezable, compressible, squashy, squashable, flexible, plastic, pliable, pliant, supple, flexile, flexuous, unstarched
Technology / Cell Phones / Soft Key: A key below the phone's main display panel that performs special functions. MORE
Business / Finance / Soft Landing: The value of research services that brokerage houses supply to investment managers 'free of charge' in exchange for the investment manager's business commissions. MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Soft Jaws: Plastic, leather, lead, or aluminum covers on the jaws of a vise or pliers used to prevent marking and damage to the work. MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Soft Handoff: When two base stations -- one in the cell site where the phone is located and the other in the cell site to which the conversation is being passed - both hold onto the call until the handoff is comple MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Soft Hammer: A hammer made of brass, copper, lead or plastic to a non-marring finished surfaces on machines or workpieces. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Soft Light: A diffused light source, resulting in indistinct, blurred outlines and minimal shadows. MORE