Entertainment / Music / Secular Music: Nonreligious music: when texted, usually in the vernacular.
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Secular Noun Synonyms: worldly, terrestrial, mundane, temporal, material, lay, laic or laical, non-clerical, non-ecclesiastic(al), non-spiritual, non-religious, civil, state
Technology / Computers / Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI): An interface as well as file format standard for using a musical instrument with a computer and recording and storing the data from it. A MIDI file contains information about recorded notes: what note MORE
Entertainment / Music / Musical Saw: A handsaw that is bowed on its smooth edge: pitch is varied by bending the saw. MORE
Entertainment / Music / Musicology: The study of forms, history, science, and methods of music. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Musical Director: Person who selects and arranges the music for a program. MORE
Entertainment / Music / Musical: Genre of twentieth century musical theater, especially popular in the United States and Great Britain: characterized by spoken dialogue, dramatic plot interspersed with songs, ensemble numbers and dan MORE
Entertainment / Music / Music Video: Video tape or film that accompanies a recording, usually of a popular or rock song. MORE