Entertainment / Music / Da Capo Aria: Lyric song in ternary, or A - B - A, form, commonly found in operas, cantatas and oratorios.
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Business / Real Estate / Punitive Damages: Damages awarded to one party to punish another party for dishonest conduct. Meant to deter others from committing a similar offense. MORE
Technology / Radar / Pulse Radar: A pulse radar transmits a sequence of short pulses of rf energy, and estimates range to the target by measuring the time delay in returned pulses. MORE
Technology / Radar / Pulse Doppler Radar: Pulse doppler radars make use of the dopper shift in pulse radar to determine the relative velocity of moving targets. MORE
Business / Taxes / Quadruple Witching Day: Once every quarter ?€” on the third Friday of March, June, September, and December ?€” stock options, stock index options, stock index futures contracts, and single stock futures expire on the MORE
Technology / Radar / Radar: Radar is used to describe systems that use electromagnetic energy to detect distant objects and possibly determine other characteristics such as direction and range. MORE
Business / Finance / Radar Alert: Close monitoring of trading patterns in a company's stock by senior managers to uncover unusual buying activity that might signal a takeover attempt. See: Shark watcher. MORE