Entertainment / Music / Chamber Choir: Small group of up to about twenty-four singers, who usually perform a cappella or with piano accompaniment.
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Chamber Noun Synonyms: assembly, body, legislature, judicature, house, congress, judiciary, senate, diet, consortium
Entertainment / Music / Choir: A group of singers who perform together, usually in parts, with several on each part: often associated with a church. MORE
Business / Construction / Combustion Chamber: The part of a boiler, furnace or woodstove where the burn occurs: normally lined with firebrick or molded or sprayed insulation. MORE
Entertainment / Music / Madrigal Choir: Small vocal ensemble that specializes in a cappella secular works. MORE
Science / Geology / Magma Chamber: A full or emptied magma reservoir in the shallow portion of the lithosphere. MORE
Technology / Rockets / Chamber Pressure: The pressure generated within a motor by the combustion of the rocket propellant(s). MORE
Entertainment / Music / Chamber Music: Written for 2 to 10 solo parts featuring one instrument to a part. Each part bears the same importance. MORE