Entertainment / Literature / Western: A literary and cinematic genre marked by numerous conventions. The usual setting is a short main street in a dust-blown frontier village of the American west during the 1800s. Traditionally, the protagonists wear white hats and the antagonists wear black hats. Conventional characters include Mexican bandits, stereotypical Plains Indians bedecked in feathered headresses, a town drunkard, a local madame who assists the protagonist, and so on. Often, the thematic concern is a struggle between law and lawlessness, between communal health and chaotic individualism. Historical accuracy usually comes second place to action, and the dramatic climax often takes the form of a dual or gunfight at high noon. 'Spaghetti westerns' are a cinematic subgenre of the western film consisting of those films overseen by Italian directors and filmed completely or partly in Italy--including a large number of Clint Eastwood westerns from the 1960s and 1970s. Recent writers of westerns include Louis Lamour, Walter Van Tilburg Clark, A. B. Guthrie, Conrad Richter, and H. L. Davis.
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Entertainment / Music / Country-Western: Genre of American popular music derived from traditional music of the rural South, usually vocal with an accompaniment of banjos, fiddles and guitar. MORE
Science / Genetics / Western Blotting Analysis: A technique used to identify a specific protein: the probe is a radioactively labeled antibody raised against the protein in question. MORE
Science / Genetics / Western Blot: A technique used to identify and locate proteins based on their ability to bind to specific antibodies. MORE