Entertainment / Literature / Usage: The choice among grammatical, syntactic, or semantic options when the idea that one or the other option is correct or preferred to the other. Usage changes and language changes over time.
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Usage Adjective Synonyms: treatment, management, handling, operation, manipulation
Usage Noun Synonyms: use, custom, habit, practice, routine, convention, form, tradition
Lifestyle / Time Shares / Odd- Or Even-Year Usage: Biennial vacation property ownership where the owner can use his/her property every other year, termed either odd- or even-year depending upon the years when the interval week(s) are used. For instanc MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Tv Usage: Households Using Television (HUT) and Persons Using Television (PUT): total viewing to all television. MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Usage Data: Things like a large stream of traffic, repeat visitors, multiple page views per visitor, a high clickthrough rate, or a high level of brand related search queries may be seen by some search engines as MORE
Technology / Radar / Unstabilized Display (Heading-Upward): A ppi display in which the orientation of the relative motion presentation is set to ship's heading and, thus, changes with changes in ship's heading. In this heading upward display, radar echoes are MORE
Science / Psychiatry / Incoherence: Speech or thinking that is essentially incomprehensible to others because words or phrases are joined together without a logical or meaningful connection. This disturbance occurs within clauses, in co MORE