
Entertainment / Literature / Texture: In the thought of John Crowe Ransom and the New Critics, 'texture' involves poetic details such as the modification of the metrical pattern, associations attached to words, and the aural values of spoken sounds. These elements are separate from the structure of the poem, and they are significantly of interest in a technical sense, but they cannot be captured in a paraphrase or summary of the poem's argument or even in its literal content.
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Other Words for Texture

Texture Verb Synonyms: feel, surface, character, grain, features, consistency, weave, configuration, nature, structure, fabric, constitution, substance

Pyroclastic Texture

Science / Geology / Pyroclastic Texture: The unsorted, angular, and un-rounded texture of the fragments in a pyroclastic rock. MORE

Texture (Rock)

Science / Geology / Texture (Rock): The rock characteristics of grain or crystal size, size variability, rounding or angularity, and preferred orientation. MORE

Texture Mapping

Entertainment / Video Games / Texture Mapping: The programming technique that draws graphical patterns on polygons. This allows smooth surfaces to look bumpy or shaded. MORE