Entertainment / Literature / Short Syllable: In linguistics, any syllable containing a short vowel, but followed by only one consonant or no consonant at all. Do not confuse this term with a short vowel (see below).
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Short Adjective Synonyms: direct, straight, straightforward, short and sweet
Short Verb Synonyms: laconic, terse, succinct, pithy, sententious, epigrammatic
Short Noun Synonyms: small, little, slight, petite, diminutive, wee, tiny, elfin, minuscule, midget, dwarfish, squat, dumpy, runty, stubby, stunted, pint-sized, knee-high to a grasshopper, sawn-off
Entertainment / Literature / Long Syllable: Any syllable with (1) a long vowel or (2) any syllable with a short vowel and two or more consonants following it. Such syllables typically take twice as long to sound as a short syllable--and thus be MORE
Technology / Motors / Short-Circuit: A defect in a winding which causes part of the normal electrical circuit to be bypassed. This frequently results in reducing the resistance or impedance to such an extent as to cause overheating of th MORE
Science / Weather / Short Wave: A progressive wave of smaller amplitude, wave length, and duration than a long wave. It moves in the same direction as the basic current in which it is embedded and may induce upward vertical motion a MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Short Vowel: As Algeo defines it, 'A vowel of lesser duration than a corresponding long vowel' (329). MORE
Science / Biology / Short-Day Plants: Plants that fiower during early spring or fall when nights are relatively long and days are short; e.g., poinsettia and dandelions. MORE
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Short-Handed Goal: A goal scored by a player whose team is short-handed. See also power play goal. MORE