Entertainment / Literature / Pluck Buffet: Anthropologists suggest that pre-adolescent male children in a variety of cultures share the game of 'pluck buffet.' In this game, one child trades blows on the arm or chest with another to see who is 'bravest' or 'toughest.' Alternatively, pluck buffet also refers to any game in which two individuals challenge each other to some contest (often archery) and the loser must receive a strike from the winner. For instance, the poem 'Garland' depicts Richard the Lion-Hearted and Robin Hood having an archery contest, and the loser must 'Beare a buffet on his hede.' This becomes an important theme in ballads like Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne. Pluck buffet may also lie at the heart of a Celtic motif known as the 'trade of blows' in which one warrior agrees to trade strikes with another, in the case of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, pluck buffet takes a potentially lethal turn when Gawain and the green elf-knight play the game using giant axes.
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Pluck Noun Synonyms: snatch, grab, yank, jerk, tear (away)
Pluck Verb Synonyms: courage, spirit, bravery, grit, boldness, intrepidity, backbone, mettle, determination, gameness, resolve, resolution, steadfastness, hardiness, sturdiness, stout-heartedness, stoutness, fortitude, nerve, guts, spunk, sand, bottle
Lifestyle / Tea / Plucking: the process of harvesting the tea by cutting the flush from the growing tea shrub. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Pluck Buffet: Anthropologists suggest that pre-adolescent male children in a variety of cultures share the game of 'pluck buffet.' In this game, one child trades blows on the arm or chest with another to see who is MORE