Entertainment / Literature / Panglossian: The word is an eponym based on the fictional Dr. Pangloss from Voltaire's satire, Candide. Dr. Pangloss is a naively optimistic pedant who upholds the doctrine that 'all is for the best,' and that 'we live in the best of all possible worlds,' claiming that a benevolent deity creates all things for positive purposes, and if we could only decipher cause/effect accurately, we would see this. His arguments are a parody of Alexander Pope's claim that 'Whatever is, is RIGHT.' Voltaire uses Pangloss as a straw-man in Candide, and Voltaire tries to show through the more inane Panglossian arguments that, in fact, the world is a highly flawed place and it does not live up to its ideal possibilities. (Grk. Pan 'everything' + Lat. Glossare 'to explain or comment upon')
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