
Entertainment / Literature / Meditation: A thoughtful or contemplative essay, sermon, discussion, or treatise.
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Feng Shui

Health / Massage / Feng Shui: Feng shui (translated as ?€?wind and water?€?) is the Chinese system of balancing the energy patterns of the physical environment. A composite of mystical beliefs, astrology, folklore, and common MORE


Health / Fitness / Qigong: An element of a t'ai Chi practice that covers many different types of movements that involve using and feeling the body's energy. MORE


Health / Massage / Attunement: Attunement is a non-touch (or light touch) approach to healing, employing spiritual techniques (prayer and meditation) to restore one?€™s naturally vibrant energetic and physical well-being. Attun MORE


Health / Massage / Ohashiatsu: Ohashiatsu is a method of bodywork offering both giver and receiver a complete experience of self-development and healing. Combining Eastern healing philosophy and techniques with psychological and sp MORE


Health / Massage / Myomassology: Myomassology is an integration of techniques including basic Swedish massage, aromatherapy, reflexology, shiatsu, iridology, herbology, energy balancing, ear candling, and craniosacral therapy in conj MORE

Qi Gong

Health / Pilates / Qi Gong: This practice involves a combination of movement, meditation, and breathing that balances the flow of energy through one?€™s body with the goal to have a positive effect on health. MORE