Entertainment / Literature / Maxim: A proverb, a short, pithy statement or aphorism believed to contain wisdom or insight into human nature. In much of the dialogue in Viking sagas, for instance, the characters will quote short maxims to each other to make a point.
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Maxim Noun Synonyms: saying, proverb, axiom, aphorism, adage, byword, saw, apophthegm or apothegm, epigram, motto, slogan, mot, witticism, clich‚, truism
Lifestyle / Time Shares / Maximum Occupancy: The Maximum number of guests that a timeshare unit will accommodate. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Maximum Dollar Limit: The maximum amount of money that an insurance company (or self-insured company) will pay for claims within a specific time period. Maximum dollar limits vary greatly. They may be based on or specified MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Maximum Stay: The maximum time you may stay at your destination in order to qualify for a specific airfare. Normally most fares have a 30-day limit, but some are less. Usually, the longer you stay, the higher the f MORE
Science / Biology / Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSy): The maximum number of a food or game population that can be harvested without harming the populations ability to grow back. MORE
Science / Weather / Vorticity Maximum: A center of vorticity, or the maximum of the vorticity field of a fluid. MORE
Technology / Aviation / Maximum Takeoff Weight: The maximum weight of any aircraft on takeoff without exceeding its load factor. (MTOW) MORE