Entertainment / Literature / Front Vowel: In linguistics, a vowel made with the ridge of the tongue located near the front of the oral cavity.
Search Google for Front Vowel:
Front Adjective Synonyms: frontage, forefront
Front Noun Synonyms: beginning, head, fore, vanguard, forefront, van
Front Verb Synonyms: face, facade, facing, fore-part, anterior, obverse
Business / Finance / Minimum-Variance Frontier: Graph of the lowest possible portfolio variance that is attainable for a given portfolio expected return. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Mid Vowel: In linguistics, any vowel sound made with the jaw and tongue positioned between the normal articulations for high and low vowels. An example of a mid-vowel would be the vowel sound in pate. MORE
Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Muscat Frontignan: (See Muscat Blanc above). MORE
Science / Weather / Occluded Front: Also known as an occlusion, it is a complex front formed when a cold front overtakes a warm front. It develops when three thermally different air masses conflict. The type of frontal boundary they cre MORE
Science / Weather / Pre-Frontal Squall Line: A line of thunderstorms that precedes an advancing cold front. MORE
Science / Weather / Polar Front: A semi-continuous, semi-permanent boundary between polar air masses and tropical air masses. An integral part of an early meteorological theory known as the Polar Front Theory. MORE