Entertainment / Literature / Doubling: Greenblatt describes this process as, 'The common [Renaissance] practice of having one actor play multiple roles, so that a play with a large cast of characters might be performed by a relatively small company' (1139).
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Business / Finance / Doubling Option: Agreement between two countries that taxes paid abroad can be offset against domestic taxes levied on foreign dividends. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Line Doubling: A method, through special circuitry, to modify an NTSC interlaced picture to create an effect similar to a progressively scanned picture. The first field of 262.5 odd-numbered lines is stored in digit MORE
Technology / Radar / Maximum Detectable Range: The maximum range at which a target can be detected is determined by transmitted power, scanner height, pulse length, receiver sensitivity, atmospheric conditions, target size, shape and reflectivity. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Anadiplosis: (Greek 'doubling') Repeating the last word of a clause at the beginning of the next clause. As Nietzsche said, 'Talent is an adornment, an adornment is also a concealment.' Ann Landers once claimed, ' MORE
Science / Chemistry / Boyles Law: The pressure of a ideal gas is inversely proportional to its volume, if the temperature and amount of gas is held constant. Doubling gas pressure halves gas volume, if temperature and amount of gas do MORE